Heal From Break-Up

Chronic stress coming from a current or past unhealthy relationship depletes vital energy and confidence necessary to reach your peak potential. Once you heal, you will have the energy to put into your new career, healthier relationships, and the better life you desire.
— Rebecca Taylor Shaw, Certified Divorce Coach & Clinical Hypnotherapist

Is this you?

  • You constantly rehash the relationship in your mind.

  • You still go to bed thinking about your ex.

  • You can’t shake him/her even though you know logically, the relationship wasn’t healthy for you.

  • You suspect you have an addiction or obsession to this person.

  • You stalk your ex on Facebook or other social media sites.

  • Your head says to move on but your heart won’t let go.

  • You still carry unresolved emotions like anger, guilt, sadness.

  • You feel like you need a total mind, body, spirit “exorcism” to move on.

Break ups, divorce and infidelity can be as painful or often rock the very foundation of our beings leaving us feeling, lonely, flawed, enraged, undesirable, and empty. For many, there is an on-going feeling that a piece of their very soul went away when the relationship ended.

These feelings can persist for months, even years. They can impair you from ever truly loving or being happy again. 

If you are someone looking for love, that soul mate, that person to make life worth while, you may also find yourself in a day to day struggle with feelings of low self-esteem and even depression. 

The stress of these experiences can drain any motivation you have to take your life and your career to the next level. 

What would make your life better NOW?

  • Release feelings of rejection and low self-worth.

  • Need to let-go of the past, move past resentment or grief from a divorce or a break-up?

  • Remove limiting beliefs that are sabotaging your happiness and hope.

  • and keeping you from attracting the kind of person you want in your life.

Change what is going on inside yourself & immediately get the relationships you want by becoming the kind of person that you want to attract in your life.

As a family attorney, I can honestly say that most of my clients can benefit from divorce coaching with Rebecca. Most people do not have a clear perspective during this crises time in their lives and they could use a compass. This is an important piece on the road back to peace of mind..
— Rhett Klok, Divorce Attorney, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina

Breakups, divorce and infidelity can be deeply painful and often rock the very foundation of our being.  The stress of these experiences can deplete your energy, mental clarity, and emotions making normal day to day life a challenge.  Furthermore, it can drain any motivation you have to take your life and your career to the next level. The problem is that time doesn't always heal all wounds. 

Is an unhealthy current relationship or past relationship causing you to struggle with any of the following?

  • Anger and resesntment

  • Feeling emotionally raw or overly sensitive

  • Lack of self-worth or self-confidence

  • Loss of drive or purpose

  • Shame, regret or guilt

  • Obsession with your ex

  • Sadness or depression

  • Anxiety or panic attacks

  • Continuing to in unhealthy patterns in relationships

  • Addictive thinking and ruminating on the past.

Create More Positive Relationships Now!

I came to see Rebecca because, despite previous counseling for issues surrounding my past dysfunctional relationships, I kept attracting negative men to my life. Although I was very aware of the problem, I felt stuck as if there was something deeper preventing me from finding a man that would value me. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but Rebecca and I chatted about my experiences with men and what I was struggling with. Her warm nature and ability to relate personally really put me at ease. Each session helped to bring more clarity to my life and situation. Now I feel a sense of freedom and confidence I didn’t have before and I feel I am finally ready to meet Mr. Right.
— Christina A, Dallas, Texas
“You are without a doubt better than any counselor I’ve ever worked with! I’ve been super co-dependent and now my mind is so strong! I realize now if you listen to the recording, it builds a barrier. It is giving me mental strength and she’s [my ex] become a stranger. I feel like you expedited my healing by six months! Please let me know how many referrals you would like. I think I can fill up your schedule!
— Chris B. Mount Pleasant, SC
I first went to see Rebecca Shaw for an intuitive reading because I felt I had lost my way and needed help to find the right path. Boy, did she guide me in the proper direction! We decided what I truly needed was to take time to ‘heal my heart”. With Rebecca’s kindness and gentle guidance, in exactly 90 days, she gave me the tools to protect myself with love and light, to recognize what was not working in my past life, to align myself with my spiritual purpose and to release the past to its highest good. I now have the tools to face the past with strength and courage, while moving forward with dignity and grace. Although I have completed “heal your heart”, I know that she is always there for loving support and spiritual guidance. I am truly blessed and grateful to have Rebecca Shaw in my life!
— Lisa M. - Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
“Worth the Investment! Rebecca and I worked together over the phone. I have been divorced for 4 years. After our initial conversation I knew I was in the right place. I wanted to find my “old self.” It was certainly a gradual process, but with each session I saw more intense healing. Rebecca is patient, empathic and so dedicated to the clients she is working with. I have seen a remarkable difference in myself. I look forward to working with her in the future. “
— Jen B. - Nurse - St. Louise, MO

Your imageries are giving me rock solid breakthroughs! Every step we’ve taken together, has helped me to detox the mental poisons of an abusive marriage. Our work together has become a foundation in helping me to weed him [my husband] out of my mind and my life. I am more whole now than I was when I was with him.
Annette S. Life Coach - Provo, UT

Are you ready to move on? I am able to work with a select number of private clients in an individualized way at this time.


This work is not an alternative to counseling and/or psychotherapy. This is a training process that integrates self-hypnosis and interactive guided imagery intended to help the client facilitate their own inner changes. Please be aware that if you have active suicidal intent, homicidal intent or a diagnosis of unstable mental health, this training program is not recommended for you.