When the Future is Uncertain, That is Our Time to Co-Create
3 Key Ideas to Consider as We Must Stay Indoors
Many of you are feeling shut in, disconnected, anxious and fearful. Watch this video to give you some ideas on what you can do during this time of self-distancing during Covid-19. My love to each of you watching!
Is Fear of Flying Grounding Your Chances of Success?
For many people, fear of flying is a problem, especially around the holidays. Some know the reason for their fears yet, others share that the fear seemed to come on over night even after years of flying without anxiety.
For many people, fear of flying is a problem, especially around the holidays. Some know the reason for their fears yet, others share that the fear seemed to come on over night even after years of flying without anxiety.
Over time, a fear of flying can restrict your career, social life and happiness. Work projects and family events may make flying necessary.
Even though 40 percent of passengers report fear of being involved in a plane crash, According to a 2015 report in The Economist, your chance of dying in one is roughly one in 5.4 million! By comparison, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the individual American driver’s odds of dying as a result of an injury sustained in an automobile crash (which include pedestrians, bicyclists and motorcyclists involved in car crashes) come out to about 1 in 77 — making it one of the highest-probability causes of death tracked by the CDC.
By contrast, heart disease, the leading cause of death, kills 1 in 4 people, alcohol and drugs kill 1 in 34.
Unfortunately, rational statistics seldom make a difference for phobias. From a fear of public speaking to flying, our phobias are rarely rational.
Can You Conquer a Fear of Flying?
While it may seem impossible, you can enjoy a calm flight. I have helped many people recover from their flying phobias through hypnotherapy.
“Rebecca, I would like to thank you for everything. With as bad as I was not wanting to fly, with your Hypnosis I had no fear at all. Just like you said. It made it that I could have a wonderful time traveling and not the fear to hold me back. I would recommend you to anyone. Thank you for giving me that back. Plus Italy is awesome. Thanks again.
— — Robert Leonard, Project Superintendent, Mississippi
Sedatives may help but for many it is still extremely stressful during the days and hours leading up to taking the meds and getting on the flight. Furthermore, medication is masking the fear NOT resolving it.
Like any phobia, a fear of flying is rooted in your subconscious. You may have had a traumatic experience or watched a plane crash. Some of my clients discover that their fear of flying is rooted in a non-related incident that somehow gets connected to flying, for example, like a terrifying experience riding rollercoasters as a child. Most of the time my clients had no conscious awareness of the root cause of their fears and phobias but with hypnosis, they are able to quickly identify the root cause.
Whatever the cause, even if it is irrational, your subconscious mind has created the fear trying to protect you. It associates flying with danger. Thus, the fear is created to keep you away from flying.
How I Overcame My Fear of Flying
Personally, I used hypnosis to overcome a paralyzing fear of flying. My fear was triggered by one of the most prominent events in airline history. I was scheduled to be on American Airlines Flight #77 that crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11/2001.
American Airlines Flight 77 was a scheduled American Airlines domestic transcontinental passenger flight from Washington Dulles International Airport in Dulles, Virginia, to Los Angeles International Airport in Los Angeles, California. I would have been seven months pregnant with my son and traveling with one year old daughter.
Like many other people have reported after the 09/11 incident, I had a strong intuition that told me to not only change my flight but change the date AND the airport from which I was flying.
On the day of the tragedy, I believe I went into some kind of shock as the full realization came to me that I was scheduled to be on one of the downed planes. I was terrified to fly. When I did fly, I was paranoid about the passengers on the plane. I would break out into a sweat. My heart would race and I felt claustrophobic.
Using some of my own hypnosis techniques on myself, in less than a month, I was flying comfortably again. This is typically a three step process that I have used for years to help thousands of clients suffering from all types of fears and phobias.
Hypnosis Helps Overcome Fear of Flying
Hypnosis is a highly effective way to feel comfortable while flying. To conquer your fear, you must address it. Hypnosis helps you to identify and clear what triggers that fear in your subconscious. Hypnosis helps to re-message the mind so that you are no longer afraid. As a result, you can escape from the panic and fear associated with it.
Most of my clients are flying comfortably in one to two sessions! If you would like to get help overcoming a fear of phobia, reach out. Virtual sessions work perfectly for this problem. I can help you from the comfort of your own home or office.
Don't Let Fear of Failure Hold You Back!
One of my all time favorite commentaries on overcoming the fear of failure. A great video with Spanx founder Sara Blakely!
CEO of Spanx, Sara Blakely, Shares Her Thoughts on Failure.
So many of my coaching clients discuss their fear of failure. Some are immobilized to take desired action from fear. Others from perfectionism. When I watched Sara’s video for the first time, I was inspired that she grew up with such a positive mindset around failure. Mindset drives our behaviors, our reponses, everything! Watch and get inspired!
Empowered Communication: How to Do Thanksgiving Dinner without a Side of Drama
Here are a few empowered communication tips to help you enjoy a more harmonious holiday experience with friends and family. By the way, they really work any time of year with anyone.
It seems like almost every year, Hollywood comes out with a movie that portrays the humor and sorrow of families coming together over the holidays. Chances are if you are participating in a family gathering you’ll be interacting with one or more people with whom you don't see eye to eye.
There are very artful and diplomatic ways to respond to the difficult people in your life.
Here are a few empowered communication tips to help you enjoy a more harmonious holiday experience with friends and family. Try one or more of them next time you get into a heated discussion with someone or when someone is criticizing you.
Tip #1: Disengage or Duck.
In Dale Carnegie’s bestselling book on success, “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” he asserts, “The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it." The idea is that even if you think you've won the argument, you haven't if one or both of you is left feeling negative.
Have you ever met anyone that loves to argue? Someone who will “beat the proverbially dead horse” and go on and on until they’ve convinced you to agree their side of the argument? When you find yourself in an uncomfortable discussion, disengage if the conversation gets heated. This means, just observe. Listen but say nothing.
Moreover, don't defend yourself unless you absolutely must.
"Many adults are like grown children. They love to argue," says Psychoanalyst, Dr. Aaron Lederer, a child specialist on defiant children and author of "Taming the Wild Child." "Certain children and adults, for that matter, will continue to argue as long as you are responding to their statements. Because in their minds, they think that as long as the conversation continues, they have a chance to win," he explains.
He suggests that if you can't disengage, duck out. Excuse yourself from the situation. Make a phone call. Go walk the dog... Or the cat.
Tip #2: Agree with the TRUTH
Instead of defending, explaining or justifying, which simply hands the other person more fuel to disagree or attack, instead, agree with the person.
Look for points in the conversation where you are in agreement with what he or she is saying. When it's the truth or your truth, repeat that part back and agree truthfully.
Here’s an example.
Imagine, your brother in-law is complaining. He’s angry that his candidate didn’t get elected. You can authentically commiserate, “I agree. It was a very stressful election!” You don’t have to tell him you voted for the other candidate.
Tip #3. Agree with the POSSIBILITY
Instead of defending yourself, your point of view and pointing out what you disagree with in their logic or assertion, agree that whatever the person is saying is possible. Just say, “That's possible.”
Here’s how it works….
“Global warming is not really a problem.” That’s possible.
“Kids these days. They act so entitled.” That’s possible.
I mean if you REALLY think about it, anything is possible! The earth could shift on its axis tomorrow and there would be no more Thanksgivings. It's possible. I PROMISE this technique will avert arguments, stop the other person in their tracks and what’s more. . . . They will feel heard.
Tip #4: Acknowledge Their Point of View
When you acknowledge another person’s point of view, you may do yourself the favor of saving time and energy. Once the person feels heard, acknowledged or validated, they move on.
To do this, acknowledge their point of view by saying, “That’s an interesting perspective,” or “That’s an interesting way to look at it.” When you use this type of response, the energy you're giving the person is open instead of defensive. You will be surprised how often that this simple statement, curtails the conversation.
Tip #5: Thank the Person for Caring
Use this if someone is criticizing you. Typically, a parent or "loving relative." To do this, listen to the critique. Don't defend. Wait until their done and say, “That’s sweet how much care."
I know what some of you are thinking right now. “There's no way I can say that without sounding sarcastic!"
You've got to try this one. When you say it sincerely, you've artfully ended the conversation without agreeing or disagreeing with their criticisms. Done. Conversation over!
In my coaching sessions, I teach empowered communication skills for successful leadership. Once, I was coaching a client named Nicole for some job situations and she happened to mention she had a very critical mother. She ended up using this empowered communication with mom. Some of you may relate to her story….
Nicole was at the Thanksgiving gathering with several other family members sitting around before the big meal. It was at that precise moment that Nicole’s mother began to publicly criticize her hair color, “Is Sarah down at Tresses still doing your hair? You know I don’t really think she’s that good. I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while that your hair color isn’t flattering. You really need to do something about it.”
When Nicole’s mother stopped expressing her “motherly concern,” members in the room looked at Nicole and held their breath.
Speaking with a smile and genuine sincerity, she replied, “Thanks mom. That’s so sweet how much you care.” Then, she changed the subject. Her mother straightened up, smiled, and seemed satisfied and the conversation moved on.
Personally, I've used this one many times and it always works. Step into your highest self. Acknowledge the other person’s point of view with sincerity. I promise you will feel in control. You will not feel like you are giving in -- it will empower you. Best of all, you will be perceived as more confident and powerful.
Tip #6: Play Adele!
Here’s where my sense of humor comes in. I give this last suggestion jokingly but if you like to laugh, check it out! SNL did a skit about Thanksgiving conflict. A family and their friends are sitting at the dining table and several family members begin verbally attacking each other. Several times the heated discussions reach a peak. The little girl runs to the boom box and plays Adele. Watch what happens!
The skit is really more than funny, it makes a very insightful observation that oftentimes what we criticize in others, we are disowning within ourselves. Watch closely and you will see how they artfully make the point!
My gratitude towards each of you is that you took the time to read my advice. Thank you! I hope each of you have a great holiday season! Don’t take anything personally! And remember to smile!
Empowering Your Mind to Create a Breakthrough
One of the most popular complaints I hear from potential clients is that they feel stuck. It's that situation where you cognitively KNOW how you want to be thinking and behaving but it's just not happening. Here's the solution.
One of the most popular complaints I hear from potential clients is that they feel stuck. It's that situation where you cognitively KNOW how you want to be thinking and behaving but it's just not happening. There's a big disconnect.
Maybe it's getting up an hour earlier to work on your book or exercise.
Maybe it's that diet you've wanted to start or the bad habit you know you need to end.
Maybe it's the unhealthy relationship you've been in and you know it's what you want but you can't quit the person either.
These undesirable patterns can painfully go on for months, even years. Overtime, they zap your energy, your motivation, your productivity and most of all your confidence.
And it's not for lack of trying....I can’t tell you how many times someone comes to me complaining their stuck and they have spent hours, months, even years…. reading, researching, seeking advice from experts only to keep spinning their wheels without a breakthrough.
That’s because logic often falls short when it comes to solving a problem.
For those of you who have worked with me for a while, you may know that my sessions are very different than anything else you’ve tried. Why? Because, I have a unique and rapid system to break the "stuck" patterns which I call a Whole Brained Problem Solving.
And it’s not just something I use. It’s something I teach.
You know that old idea of giving someone the fishing pole not just the fish?
Here’s how it works…
First, I use a coaching technique to hone in within minutes and readily identify the limiting beliefs and thought patterns that are holding you back. That’s the left brain part.
Second, I pull out the big guns:)
I use an arsenal of right brain, creative problem solving techniques including hypnosis, introspective imagery, NLP, and even regression work to go even deeper and find the hidden roadblocks that are holding you back. The ones that you might never discover otherwise because they are not logical. They wouldn’t seem to be related at a conscious level.
Frequently, this is the missing piece for people. (Or I could say “missing peace.”)
The result …..
Often in one hour, you’ve made a breakthrough after struggling for years.
Whole Brained Problem Solving occurs when you employ both left brain and right brain problem solving techniques in one session. The two approaches combined created a synergistic effect which leverages your results over time when you receive custom recordings for reinforcement.
To sum up, Whole Brained Problem Solving is at once a powerful coaching method, an introspective, creative problem solving practice and a pathway towards rapid breakthroughs.
Whatever prompts you to explore this experience — from anxiety to overcoming a habit to personal & relationship development to spiritual growth — Whole Brained Problem Solving as an ongoing practice can support rapid change as well as positive and lasting shifts.
Moreover, Whole Brained Problem Solving gives you an edge in life and in business.
So if you want to be more successful, you’ve got to start using Whole Brained Problem Solving and give yourself an inner advantage over your competition.
If you have any questions about how Whole Brained Problem Solving might enhance your life or give you an edge, please let me know.
And speaking of time… A shift in our experience of time is part of what happens through the Whole Brained Problem Solving. This is clearer in experience than from words, but I’ll try to offer a glimpse.
In each of the Whole Brain Problem Solving sessions, something quite fundamental shifts in how we experience the world, and who we experience ourselves to be. As part of this, our way of experiencing time itself shifts. And this is one of the reasons why the method tends to naturally dissolve our unhealthy emotional reactions, and other “stuck” patterns. (To have an emotional reaction, we have to code cause and effect in a certain way through time. When this crumbles our emotional reactivity dissolves.)
The more I practice Whole Brain Problem Solving, the more I experience an ability to be in the moment. Perhaps, that’s because it has allowed me to perceive a stronger sense of control over my experiences and a greater confidence in myself to handle whatever life throws at me.
If you are feeling stuck with something or looking for an edge, contact me and let’s explore what this work could unlock and unleash for you!
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3 Reasons You Should Take More Vacation Time
I decided last year that I was committing myself to more vacation days. And can I tell you how HARD that was for me? Way more than you would probably...
Grand Mayan Pools at Riviera Maya, Mexico - Empowerment Retreats
I decided last year that I was committing myself to more vacation days. And can I tell you how HARD that was for me? Way more than you would probably guess as I am not one who likes to be in debt.
Owning a business where I provide services has always meant, when I don’t work, I don’t get paid. So vacations were always something to really think twice about. Interestingly, according to two separate surveys by Forbes and a national market research firm, even most Americans who are given paid vacation by their companies don’t take all of it. Here are 3 reasons, I decided to commit to it and why I think you should as well.
Reason #1 for Taking More Vacation Days: Self-care. You hear this buzz word quite a bit lately. It’s funny that many people have a hard time taking 30 minutes out of their day for exercise because there’s always some house chore to do that seems to take priority instead. Or, if you are like me and you own a business, there’s always something you could be doing to manage or grow your business. However, when you are on vacation, the laundry, the dishes, and your business are far away. No excuses to relax, get moving, and have fun!
Reason #2 for Taking More Vacation Days: Make Happy Memories with Your Kids. I vowed a couple years ago after my best friend died that I would spend less money on gifts and more time taking vacations with my family. I don’t think my two teenagers could tell you what they received for Christmas in 2014, maybe not even what they received this past Christmas of 2015! However, they do remember very vivid details about our trip to Bryson City, North Carolina, three summers ago, where we rented a cabin by a stream and went tubing and white water rafting. I hope my kids will have an arsenal of happy vacations in their minds and hearts by the time they go to college.
Reason #3 for Taking More Vacation Days: Defying Fears Around Money. I stopped working nights and weekends several years ago when I realized that the only reason I did was because I was in fear around money. I needed to stop telling myself a “lack” story and believe that the money would come without sacrificing my health and my values for family. Now, nights and weekends are for family. Period.
Then, in the past year, in addition to family vacations, I have donated four weeks of my time to my favorite charity, Send Me On Vacation. I travel out of the country to perform emotional healing and recovery workshops for breast cancer survivors. By refusing to worry about what missing a month from work would do to my business bottom line, I have gained so much more… including experience in performing workshops abroad, on cruise ships, and the extremely nourishing and WONDERFUL opportunity to make new friends during each week that I have spent on those trips!
Interestingly for me, whenever I come back from a vacation, I have a so much more energy for my business that it seems to act as a catalyst to bring in more income!
I would love to hear your thoughts about this article. Thanks in advance for sharing and I hope your summer is filled with laughter, sunlight, time well spent on vacation making many good memories.
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